Monday, December 27, 2004

Setting up an iPaq to work with Bluetooth on a T-Mobile phone

I'm writing this post because there are so many variations out there describing how to make an iPaq work with a Bluetooth T-Mobile phone. First, I have an HP 2215 iPaq Pocket PC and a Nokia 3650 cell phone. Both the Pocket PC and the cell phone both have Bluetooth capabilities. There are other fine sources on the Web that will describe how to pair these two devices using Bluetooth. Second, I live in the Chicagoland area and these settings work for me. In the iPaq, open up Settings-->Connections-->Connections. Now select "Add a New Modem Connection". Call it The Internet and select "Bluetooth Dialup Modem" as the modem. Click "Next" and enter the following as a phone number: *99# that's *99# Click "Next" and leave "username" and "password" blank. Click the "Advanced" button, and then leave everything as is except for the "extra dial-string modem commands" add the following: +cgdcont=1,,"" that's +cgdcont=1,,""

Here are a couple of notes about the extra string: if internet3 doesn't work, try internet2. If voicestream doesn't work, try tmobile. I have also read some folks who need to include "IP" inside of the two commas. It's worth noting that only the newest iPaq's allow for the required number of characters to include "IP" (that includes the quotation marks, incidentally). It may be that "IP" is the default and that is why leaving it out is okay (as in my string in the first paragraph).

One note on the phone number: *99# refers to the first service listed in the phone. I have seen posts on the Internet referring to *99##2 for the second service listed, *99##3 etc. I don't use this notation so it is outside the scope of this posting.


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